Gabriela CRISTU (born 1950, Ploiesti), visual artist specialized in tapestry. She graduated from the ”Nicolae Grigorescu” Institute of Fine Arts, Bucharest. Since 1980 she is a member of the Union of Plastic Artists, Romania. She has participated in numerous exhibitions and salons organized by UAP in Romania and abroad. Since 1991 she has been member of ARELIS - Association pour la diffusion et la creation de la Tapisserie et de l’Art de la Fibre and she is a member of the Federation of Artists' Associations in Paris, France. Awards: 1995 - Design Award, Art Salon, UAP Gallery, Targu Jiu; 1993 - Tapestry Award, National Art Salon, Artexpo Foundation, Exhibition Hall of National Theater, Bucharest; 2014 - Tapestry Award, Decorative Arts Biennale, Exhibition Hall Constantin Brancusi, Parliament Palace, Bucharest; 2015 – Merit Award from the National Art Museum of Latvia
1973 - ”Nicolae Grigorescu” Institute of Fine Arts, Bucharest
1969 - ”Nicolae Tonitza” High School of Fine Arts, Bucharest
2015 - ATA - American Tapestry Alliance, USA
2005 - ETF - European Tapestry Forum, Denmark
1992 - Member of the Autumn Salon, Paris, France
1991 - ARELIS Member - Association pour la diffusion et la creation de la Tapisserie et de l’Art de la Fibre
1980 - Member of the Romanian Artists Union
2015 - Merit Award from the National Art Museum of Latvia
2014 - Tapestry Award, Decorative Arts Biennial ”DecorativArt”, Constantin Brancusi Hall, Parliament House, Bucharest
1995 - Drawing Award, Art Salon, UAP Gallery, Targu Jiu
1993 - Tapestry Award, National Art Salon, Artexpo Foundation, Bucharest National Theater
Personal exhibitions:
2002 - Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu
1998 - Artexpo Foundation, Ronda Hall, Bucharest National Theater
1990 - ”Simeza” Gallery, Bucharest
1985 - ”Simeza” Gallery, Bucharest
1981 - ”Eforie” Gallery, Bucharest
1978 - ”Hanul cu Tei” Gallery, Bucharest
Group and international exhibitions (selection):
2017 - Exhibition of tapestry and sculpture, Museum of Art, Piatra Neamt
2016 - ”DecorativArt” - Decorative Art Biennial, Parliament Palace, Bucharest
2016 - ATB 11 (American Tapestry Biennial 11), Art Museum, South Bend, Indiana, USA
2015 - International Triennial of Textiles and Fibers Art - 5th edition, Riga, Latvia
2014 - International Exhibition of Painting, Sculpture, Drawing ”NordArt”, Kunstwerk Carlshutte, Germany
2014 - The Textile Arts Salon - group exhibition with tapestry and painting, Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2013 - Decorative Arts Salon. Tapestry - National Exhibition of Decorative Arts, Cotroceni National Museum, Bucharest
2012 - ”Arts in Bucharest” - Annual Painting Exhibition, Center of Visual Arts, Bucharest
2011 - ”Web of Europe”, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary
2010 - "ArTapestry 2", Musee Jean Lurcat and Tapisserie Contemporaine, Angers, France
2009 - ATB 7 - Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft's, Louisville, USA
2008 - Group Exhibition - Tapestry, Art Museum, Galati
2007 - ”Seven Romanian Artists in Madrid” - Romanian Tapestry Exhibition, ICR Madrid, Spain
2006 - L'Art de la Fiber, La Fiber de l'Art. Naissance et Mutations "- Exhibitions of Tapestry organized by ARELIS, Chapelle Saint Pierre des Minimes, Compiegne, France
2005 - International Exhibition of Tapestry ”Metamorphosis”, Museum of Art, Budapest, Hungary
2003 - Triennial of Textile Art, Bucharest
2002 - Romanian Tapestry Exhibition, Cultural Center from Venice, Italy
2000 - ARELIS Biennale, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
1999 - Inaugural exhibition at the Romanian Cultural Center ”Titu Maiorescu”, Berlin, Germany
1998 - ARELIS Biennial, together with sculptors from Chapelle Gallery in Boston, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
1997 - The Romanian Tapestry Triennial, Bucharest
1996 - Municipal Art Salon, 3/4 Floor Gallery, Bucharest National Theater
1995 - Group Exhibition, Art Gallery, Targu Jiu
1994 - First Romanian Tapestry Triennial, Bucharest
1993 - International Tapestry Triennial, Tournai, Belgium
1992 - International Drawing Triennial - 5th edition, Wroclaw, Poland
1991 - ARELIS Biennale, Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
1989 - International Exhibition of Textile Miniatures, Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Canada
1988 - National Art Salon, Dalles Hall, Bucharest
1985 - Group exhibition, Museum of Art, Targu Jiu
Works in public and private collections from: Romania, France, USA, Canada, Egypt, England, Italy, Serbia